姓名: | 范坤坤 | 性别: | 女 |
职务: | 职称: | 副研究员 | |
通讯地址: | 南京市江宁区创优路298号 | ||
邮政编码: | 211135 | 电子邮箱: | kkfan@issas.ac.cn |
范坤坤,女,1991年生,山东济南人,博士、副研究员。2014年毕业于山东农业大学农业资源与环境专业获农学学士学位;2019年-2020年在美国科罗拉多大学Noah Fierer教授课题组联合培养,主修微生物生态学。2021年毕业于中国科学院南京土壤研究所土壤学专业,获农学博士学位,留所从事特别研究助理工作,2024年10月获聘助理研究员,同年12月获聘副研究员。主要从事根际微生物群落与功能等方面的研究。以第一作者在Nature Ecology & Evolution,Microbiome,The ISME Journal,Soil Biology and Biochemistry(6篇)等期刊发表论文10篇,ESI高被引论文6篇,入选2024年度全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单,合作作者论文20余篇。入选第七届中国科协“青年人才托举工程”、江苏省卓越博士后等人才项目。
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment 期刊编委
1. Kunkun Fan, Haiyan Chu#, David J Eldridge, Juan J Gaitan, Yu-Rong Liu, Blessing Sokoya, Jun-Tao Wang, Hang-Wei Hu, Ji-Zheng He, Wei Sun, Haiying Cui, Fernando D Alfaro, Sebastian Abades, Felipe Bastida, Marta Díaz-López, Adebola R. Bamigboye, Miguel Berdugo, José L Blanco-Pastor, Tine Grebenc, Jorge Duran, Javier G Illán, Thulani P Makhalanyane, Arpan Mukherjee, Tina U Nahberger, Gabriel F Peñaloza-Bojacá, César Plaza, Jay Prakash Verma, Ana Rey, Alexandra Rodríguez, Christina Siebe, Alberto L Teixido, Pankaj Trivedi , Ling Wang, Jianyong Wang , Tianxue Yang, Xin-Quan Zhou, Xiaobing Zhou, Eli Zaady, Leho Tedersoo, and Delgado-Baquerizo Manuel#. Soil biodiversity supports the delivery of multiple ecosystem functions in urban greenspaces. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2023, 7: 113-126. (#通讯作者, 下同)
2. Kunkun Fan, Hannah Holland-Moritz, Corinne Walsh, Xisheng Guo, Daozhong Wang, Yang Bai, Yong-guan Zhu, Noah Fierer#, and Haiyan Chu#. Identification of the rhizosphere microbes that actively consume plant-derived carbon. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2022, 166: 108577.
3. Kunkun Fan1, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo1, Xisheng Guo, Daozhong Wang, Yong-guan Zhu#, Haiyan Chu#. Biodiversity of key-stone phylotypes determines crop production in a 4-decade fertilization experiment. The ISME Journal, 2021, 15:550-561. (1共同第一作者,下同)
4. Kunkun Fan1, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo1, Xisheng Guo, Daozhong Wang, Yong-Guan Zhu, Haiyan Chu#. Microbial resistance promotes plant production in a four-decade nutrient fertilization experiment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2020,141: 107679.
5. Kunkun Fan, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Yong-guan Zhu#, Haiyan Chu#. Crop production correlates with soil multitrophic communities at the large spatial scale. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2020,151: 108047.
6. Kunkun Fan, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Xisheng Guo, Daozhong Wang, Yanying Wu, Mo Zhu, Wei Yu, Huaiying Yao, Yong-guan Zhu#, Haiyan Chu#. Suppressed N fixation and diazotrophs after four decades of fertilization. Microbiome, 2019,7:1-10.
7. Kunkun Fan, Pamela Weisenhorn, Jack A Gilbert, Yu Shi, Yang Bai, Haiyan Chu#. Soil pH correlates with the co-occurrence and assemblage process of diazotrophic communities in rhizosphere and bulk soils of wheat fields. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018, 121:185-192.
8. Kunkun Fan, Pamela Weisenhorn, Jack A Gilbert, Haiyan Chu#. Wheat rhizosphere harbors a less complex and more stable microbial co-occurrence pattern than bulk soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018, 125:251-260.
9. Kunkun Fan, Cesar Cardona, Yuntao Li, Yu Shi, Xingjia Xiang, Congcong Shen, Hongfei Wang, Jack A Gilbert, Haiyan Chu#. Rhizosphere-associated bacterial network structure and spatial distribution differ significantly from bulk soil in wheat crop fields. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2017, 113:275-284.
10. Josep Ramoneda#, Kunkun Fan, Jane M Lucas, Haiyan Chu, Andrew Bissett, Michael S Strickland, and Noah Fierer#. Ecological relevance of flagellar motility in soil bacterial communities. The ISME Journal, 2024, 18: wrae067.
1. 第七届中国科协“青年人才托举工程”项目,小麦根际关键菌群对根系分泌物的动态响应机制,2021.12-2024.11,主持。
2. 中国博士后科学基金第70批面上资助项目,长期不同施肥管理下小麦根际土壤微生物群落与功能的构建机制,2021.12-2023.12,主持。
3. 中国科学院特别研究助理资助项目,2022.10-2024.10,主持。
4. 江苏省卓越博士后计划,2022.12-2024.12,主持。
5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,根际土壤微生物群落与功能对小麦光合碳的动态响应机制,2023.01-2025.12,主持。
6. 中国博士后科学基金第16批特别资助(站中)项目,小麦根际微生物对光合碳的代谢模式研究,2023.07-2025.07,主持。