姓名: | 满俊 | 性别: | 男 |
职务: | 职称: | 副研究员 | |
通讯地址: | 南京市江宁区创优路298号 | ||
邮政编码: | 211135 | 电子邮箱: | manjun91@issas.ac.cn |
满俊,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。2013年6月毕业于西北农林科技大学,获理学学士学位。同年9月进入浙江大学攻读硕士和博士学位。受国家留学基金委资助,于2018年8月赴美国普渡大学进行为期一年的访学交流。2019年12月毕业于浙江大学,获农学博士学位,而后进入中国科学院南京土壤研究所工作至今。主要从事土壤污染(包括重金属和挥发性有机物)空间识别、归趋模拟与暴露分析方面的研究工作,目前在ACS ES&T Engineering、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Water Resources Research和Journal of Hydrology等领域主流期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇,申请(或授权)国家发明专利1项,登记软件著作权3项,参编中文专著1部,参与发布团体标准1项,主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发项目子课题、中国科学院特别研究助理资助项目、江苏省自然科学基金等10项,现担任《土壤学报》和《环境科学与技术》青年编委,曾入选江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划和浙江大学博士学术新星培养计划。
3.Adv. Water Resour.和J. Hydrol.等若干知名期刊审稿人
1.Jun Man, Yuanyuan Chen, Huifeng Fan, Qiang Chen, Yijun Yao*. Optimizing soil sampling with information entropy at heavy-metal sites. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2023, 3(9): 1350-1358.
2.Jun Man, Lingzao Zeng, Jian Luo, Weiliang Gao, Yijun Yao*. Application of the deep learning algorithm to identify the spatial distribution of heavy metals at contaminated sites. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2022, 2(2): 158-168.
3.Jun Man#, Qing Zhou#, Genfu Wang, Yijun Yao*. Modeling and evaluation of NAPL-impacted soil vapor intrusion facilitated by vadose zone breathing. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 615: 128683.
4.Jun Man, Yuanming Guo, Junliang Jin, Jianyun Zhang, Yijun Yao*, Jiangjiang Zhang*. Characterization of vapor intrusion sites with a deep learning-based data assimilation method. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 431: 128600.
5.Jun Man#, Genfu Wang#, Qiang Chen, Yijun Yao*. Investigating the role of vadose zone breathing in vapor intrusion from contaminated groundwater. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 416: 126272.
6.Jun Man, Qiang Zheng, Laosheng Wu, Lingzao Zeng*. Improving parameter estimation with an efficient sequential probabilistic collocation-based optimal design method. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 569: 1-11.
7.Jun Man, Jiangjiang Zhang, Laosheng Wu, Lingzao Zeng*. ANOVA-based multi-fidelity probabilistic collocation method for uncertainty quantification. Advances in Water Resources, 2018, 122: 176-186.
8.Jun Man, Qinzhuo Liao, Lingzao Zeng*, Laosheng Wu. ANOVA-based transformed probabilistic collocation method for Bayesian data-worth analysis. Advances in Water Resources, 2017, 110: 203-214.
9.Jun Man, Jiangjiang Zhang, Weixuan Li, Lingzao Zeng*, Laosheng Wu. Sequential ensemble-based optimal design for parameter estimation. Water Resources Research, 2016, 52(10): 7577-7592.
10.Jun Man, Weixuan Li, Lingzao Zeng*, Laosheng Wu. Data assimilation for unsaturated flow models with restart adaptive probabilistic collocation based Kalman filter. Advances in Water Resources, 2016, 92: 258-270.