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  •   人才计划
  •   博士后流动站
  • 副研究员
    姓名: 狄东伟 性别:
    职务:   职称: 副研究员
    通讯地址: 南京市北京东路71号
    邮政编码: 210008 电子邮箱: dwdi@issas.ac.cn
    简 历:

    狄东伟,1987年11月生,黑龙江省富锦市人,博士,副研究员。2006年9月-2010年6月就读于合肥工业大学生物与食品工程学院,获理学学士学位。2010年9月-2015年6月就读于兰州大学生命科学学院,获理学博士学位。同年8月进入中国科学院南京土壤研究所从事博士后研究,出站后留所工作至今。2016年1月入选日本“樱花计划”青年英才项目,赴日本东京农工大学短期访问。研究方向为植物铵营养响应分子生物学,目前发表SCI论文23篇,其中以一作/通讯作者发表在《New Phytologist》,《Journal of Experimental Botany》和《Plant and Soil》等期刊发表论文12篇。




    担任JIPB,Environmental and Experimental Botany, BMC Plant Biology等10余种SCI期刊审稿人。





    1. Luo, P.#,*, Di, D. W.#,*, Wu, L., Yang, J., Lu, Y. and Shi, W. (2022). MicroRNAs are Involved in Regulating Plant Development and Stress Response through Fine-Tuning of TIR1/AFB-dependent Auxin Signaling. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(1), 510. (并列一作/通讯)

    2. Di, D.W., Sun, L., Wang, M., Wu, J., Kronzucker, H.J., Fang, S., Chu, J. Shi, W. & Li, G*. (2021). WRKY46 promotes ammonium tolerance in Arabidopsis by repressing NUDX9 and IAA-conjugating genes and by inhibiting NH4+ efflux in the root elongation zone. New Phytologist, 232: 190-217.

    3. Di, D.W., Li, G., Sun, L., Wu, J., Wang, M., Kronzucker, H.J., Fang, S., Chu, J. & Shi, W*. (2021). High ammonium inhibits root growth in Arabidopsis thaliana by promoting auxin conjugation rather than inhibiting auxin biosynthesis. Journal of Plant Physiology, 261: 153415.

    4. Sun, L.#, Di, D. W.#, Li, G., Li, Y., Kronzucker, H. J., & Shi, W*. (2020). Transcriptome analysis of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in response to ammonium resupply reveals the involvement of phytohormone signaling and the transcription factor OsJAZ9 in reprogramming of nitrogen uptake and metabolism. Journal of Plant Physiology, 246-247: 153137. (并列一作)

    5. Sun, L.#, Di, D. W.#, Li, G., Li, Y., Kronzucker, H. J., Wu, X., & Shi, W*. (2020). Endogenous ABA alleviates rice ammonium toxicity by reducing ROS and free ammonium via regulation of the SAPK9-bZIP20 pathway. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71(15): 4562-4577. (并列一作)

    6. Di, D.W., Sun, L., Zhang, X., Li, G., Kronzucker, H. J., & Shi, W*. (2018) Involvement of auxin in the regulation of ammonium tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant and Soil, 432: 373-387.

    7. Di, D. W., Wu, L., Zhang, L., An, C. W., Zhang, T. Z., Luo, P., ... & Guo, G. Q*. (2016). Functional roles of Arabidopsis CKRC2/YUCCA8 gene and the involvement of PIF4 in the regulation of auxin biosynthesis by cytokinin. Scientific Reports, 6, 36866.

    8. Di, D. W.*, Wu, L., Luo, P., Zhang, L., Zhang, T. Z., Sun, X., ... & Guo, G. Q. (2016). Analysis the role of Arabidopsis CKRC6/ASA1 in auxin and cytokinin biosynthesis. Journal of Plant Biology, 59(2): 162-171.

    9. Di, D. W.*, Zhang, C., Luo, P., An, C. W., & Guo, G. Q. (2016). The biosynthesis of auxin: how many paths truly lead to IAA?. Plant Growth Regulation, 78(3): 275-285.

    10. Di, D. W.*, Zhang, C., & Guo, G. Q. (2015). Involvement of secondary messengers and small organic molecules in auxin perception and signaling. Plant Cell Reports. 34(6): 895-904.

    11. Wu, L.#, Luo, P.#, Di, D. W.#, Wang, L., Wang, M., Lu, C. K., Zhang, L., Zhang, T. Z., NOV K, O. & Guo, G. Q*. (2015). Forward genetic screen for auxin-deficient mutants via cytokinin-induced root curling. Scientific Reports, 5(1): 11923. (并列一作)

    12. Wu, L.#, Di, D. W.#, Zhang, Dan., Song B. & Guo, G. Q*. (2015). Frequent problems and their resolutions by using thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR (TAIL-PCR) to clone genes in Arabidopsis T-DNA tagged mutants. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment. 29(2):260-267. (并列一作)







    5.国家自然科学基金面上项目,31972990,OsEIL1和OsAUXs调控水稻根系应答铁毒胁迫的分子机制, 2020/01-2023/12,在研,参与