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  •   博士后流动站
  • 副研究员
    姓名: 周桂香 性别:
    职务:   职称: 副研究员
    通讯地址: 南京市北京东路71号
    邮政编码: 210008 电子邮箱: gxzhou@issas.ac.cn
    简 历:

    周桂香,博士,江西赣州人,中国科学院南京土壤研究所副研究员。2009年和2012年毕业于江西农业大学,分别获农学学士和硕士学位;2015年毕业于中国科学院南京土壤研究所,获理学博士学位。主要从事农田土壤地力提升和有机培肥相关研究,在Journal of Hazardous Materials、Bioresource Technology、Pedosphere等期刊上发表SCI论文十余篇。主持国家自然科学基金2项,省级重点研究计划和省级自然科学基金各1项。








    1. Guixiang Zhou, Xiuwen Qiu, Xiaoyu Wu, Shunbao Lu. Horizontal gene transfer is a key determinant of antibiotic resistance genes profiles during chicken manure composting with the addition of biochar and zeolite. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020, 408:124883.

    2. Xiuwen Qiu, Guixiang Zhou*, Huijuan Wang, Xiaoyu Wu. The behavior of antibiotic-resistance genes and their relationships with the bacterial community and heavy metals during sewage sludge composting. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 216: 112190.

    3. Xiuwen Qiu, Guixiang Zhou*, Lin Chen, Huijuan Wang. Additive quality influences the reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes during chicken manure composting. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 220:112413.

    4. Guixiang Zhou, Xiuwen Qiu, Lin Chen, Congzhi Zhang, Donghao Ma, Jiabao Zhang. Succession of organics metabolic function of bacterial community in response to addition of earthworm casts and zeolite in maize straw composting. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 280: 229–238.

    5. Guixiang Zhou, Xiuwen Qiu, Jiabao Zhang, Chunyuan Tao. Effects of seaweed fertilizer on enzyme activities, metabolic characteristics, and bacterial communities during maize straw composting. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 286:121375.

    6. Guixiang Zhou, Xiaofeng Xu, Xiuwen Qiu, Jiabao Zhang. Biochar in?uences the succession of microbial communities and the metabolic functions during rice straw composting with pig manure. Bioresource Technology, 2019,272: 10–18.

    7. Xiuwen Qiu, Guixiang Zhou*, Jiabao Zhang, Wei Wang. Microbial community responses to biochar addition when a green waste and manure mix are composted: a molecular ecological network analysis. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 273:666-671.

    8. Guixiang Zhou, Feng Wei, Xiuwen Qiu, Xiaofeng Xu, Jiabao Zhang, Xiaomin Guo. Influence of enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation during rice plant growth on rice straw decomposition with nitrogen deposition. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8:14512.

    9. Guixiang Zhou, Guixiang Zhou, Jiabao Zhang, Xiuwen Qiu, Feng Wei, Xiaofeng Xu. Decomposing litter and associated microbial activity responses to nitrogen deposition in two subtropical forests containing nitrogen-fixing or non-nitrogen-fixing tree species. Scientific reports, 2018, 8:12934.

    10. Guixiang Zhou, Jiabao Zhang, Congzhi Zhang, Lin Chen, Zhenghong Yu. Temperature sensitivity and temperature-moisture effect on microbial community associated with straw decomposition. Pedosphere, 2016, 26(3):386-398.

    11. Guixiang Zhou, Jiabao Zhang, Congzhi Zhang, Youzhi Feng, Lin Chen, Zhenghong Yu, Xiuli Xin, Bingzi Zhao. Effects of changes in straw chemical properties and alkaline soils on bacterial communities engaged in straw decomposition at different temperatures. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 22186.

    12. Guixiang Zhou, Jiabao Zhang, Jingdong Mao, Congzhi Zhang, Lin Chen, Xiuli Xin, Bingzi Zhao. Mass loss and chemical structures of wheat and maize straws in response to ultraviolet-B radiation and soil contact. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:14851.





