姓名: | 李汛 | 性别: | 男 |
职务: | 科技处副处长 | 职称: | 副研究员 |
通讯地址: | 南京市江宁区创优路298号 | ||
邮政编码: | 211135 | 电子邮箱: | xli@issas.ac.cn |
李汛,理学博士,江苏南京人,副研究员。 2005年本科毕业于南京大学化学化工学院,2010年获得南京大学化学化工学院无机化学专业理学博士学位。2010年6月至今在中国科学院南京土壤研究所植物营养与肥料研究部工作。主要从事设施农业环境调控、设施蔬菜养分管理、设施土壤碳氮转化过程和温室气体排放的研究,以及新型缓控释氮肥和土壤改良剂的研制。2011年赴德国莱比锡大学短期访学研究。2013年至2015年被中科院科发局和江苏省科技厅聘为首批江苏省企业创新岗专家(科技副总)赴江苏丹化煤制化学品工程技术有限公司合作研发新型缓控释氮肥。2012年获土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室优秀青年人才项目资助。目前以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文30余篇,H指数21。以第一发明人授权美国发明专利1项、中国发明专利4项、实用新型专利1项;获得软件著作权4项。
Horticulturae (ISSN 2311-7524) 编委、专刊编辑(2020年起)
Scientia Horticulturae (ISSN 0304-4238) 编委(2024年起)
Scientia Horticulturae期刊 “杰出审稿人” (Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Award)(2018)。
1. Gruda NS*, Samuoliene G, Dong J, Li X*. 2025. Environmental conditions and nutritional quality of vegetables in protected cultivation. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 24: e70139.
2. Wang Z, Li D, Gruda NS, Duan Z, Li X*. 2024. Fertilizer application rate and nutrient use efficiency in Chinese greenhouse vegetable production. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 203: 107431.
3. Li D, Zhang J, Gruda NS, Wang Z, Duan Z, Müller C, Li X*. 2023. The regulation of gross nitrogen transformation rates in greenhouse soil cultivated with cucumber plants under elevated atmospheric [CO2] and increased soil temperature. Geoderma, 439: 116680.
4. Zhu R, Zhang P, Li X*, Duan Z*. 2023. How to remediate sulfate-nitrate salinized greenhouse soil? An optimal combination of organic amendment, fertilizer and irrigation. Scientia Horticulturae, 321: 112264.
5. Li D, Dong JL, Gruda N, Li X*, Duan ZQ. 2022. Elevated root-zone temperature promotes the growth and alleviates the photosynthetic acclimation of cucumber plants exposed to elevated [CO2]. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 194: 104694.
6. Li X, Dong JL, Duan JJ, Shen WZ, Duan ZQ. 2022. Nitrogen slow-release behavior of oxamide granules in two different types of paddy soils. Pedosphere, 32: 856-865.
7. Li X, Dong JL, Gruda N, Chu WY, Duan ZQ. 2021. Does the short-term fluctuation of mineral element concentrations in the closed hydroponic experimental facilities affect the mineral concentrations in cucumber plants exposed to elevated CO2? Plant and Soil, 465: 125-141.
8. Li X, Dong JL, Chu WY, Chen YJ, Duan ZQ. 2018. The relationship between root exudation properties and root morphological traits of cucumber grown under different nitrogen supplies and atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Plant and Soil, 425: 415-432.
9. Dong JL, Gruda N, Lam SK, Li X*, Duan ZQ*. 2018. Effects of Elevated CO2 on Nutritional Quality of Vegetables: A Review. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9: 924.
10. Dong JL, Xu Q, Gruda N, Chu WY, Li X*, Duan ZQ*. 2018. Elevated and super-elevated CO2 differ in their interactive effect with nitrogen availability on fruit yield and quality of cucumber. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98: 4509-4516.
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,膜下滴灌施肥与CO2施肥对设施土壤-蔬菜系统N2O排放特征的影响与机制研究(42477379),2025/01-2028/12,主持。
2. 国家重点研发计划专项,华南强酸性耕地土壤改良与提质增效技术模式与应用(2023YFD1901300),2023/12-2027/12,子课题负责人。
3. 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目,基于滴灌施肥与耕层土温调控的设施蔬菜高产优质低碳可持续生产技术研发(CX(23)3108),2023/07-2025/06,主持。