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  •   人才计划
  •   博士后流动站
  • 专家人才库
    姓名: 王兴祥 性别:
    职务:   职称: 研究员(自然科学)
    通讯地址: 南京市江宁区创优路298号
    邮政编码: 211135 电子邮箱: xxwang@issas.ac.cn
    简 历:


      已培养博士生3人, 硕士生4人,联合培养硕士研究生7人;在读博士生4人,硕士生1人。













     1) Li XG, Ding CF, Zhang TL, Wang XX*. 2014.Fungal pathogen accumulation at the expense of plant-beneficial fungi as a consequence of consecutive peanut monoculturing. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 72 :11-18

     2) Li XG, Wang XX*, Dai CC, Zhang TL, Xie XG, Ding CF, Wang HH.2014.Effects of intercropping with Atractylodes lancea and application of bio-organic fertiliser on soil invertebrates, disease control and peanut productivity in continuous peanut cropping field in subtropical China. Agroforestry Systems.81:41-52

     3) Ding CF, Zhang TL, Li XG, Wang XX*. 2014. Major controlling factors and prediction models for mercury ransfer from soil to carrot. Journal of Soils and Sediments. DOI 10.1007/s11368-014-0854-z(online)

     4) Ding CF, Zhang TL, Wang XX* , Zhou F, Yang YR, Yin YL. 2014. fects of soil type and genotype on cadmium accumulation by rootstalk crops: implications for phytomanagement. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 16:1018–1030

     5) Xiao Y, Dai CC, Wang XX*, Liu FY, Wang HW, Li XG. 2014.Effect of the endophyte Ceratobasidium stevensii on 4-HBA degradation and watermelon seed germination. African Journal of Microbiology Research(in press)

     6) Ding CF, Zhang TL, Wang XX* , Zhou F, Yang YR, Huang GF.2013.Prediction model for cadmium transfer from soil to carrot (Daucus carota L.) and its application to derive soil thresholds for food safety. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,61:10273-10282

     7) Ding CF, Zhang TL, Wang XX* , Zhou F, Yang YR, Yin YL. 2013. Effects of soil type and genotype on lead concentration in rootstalk vegetables and the selection of cultivars for food safety. Journal of Environmental Management, 122: 8-14

     8) Li YL,Wang XX*. 2013. Root-induced changes in radial oxygen loss, rhizosphere oxygen profile, and nitrification of two rice cultivars in Chinese red soil regions. Plant and Soil. 365:115–126

     9) Li P,Zhang TL, Wang XX*, Yu DS. 2013. Development of biological soil quality indicator system for subtropical China. Soil and Tillage Research. 126: 112–118

     10) Li XG, Zhang TL, Wang XX*, Hua K, Zhao L, Han ZM. 2013. The Composition of Root Exudates from Two Different Resistant Peanut Cultivars and Their Effects on the Growth of Soil-Borne Pathogen. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 9(2):164-173

     11) Dai CC, Chen Y, Wang XX*, Li PD. 2013. Effects of intercropping of peanut with the medicinal plant Atractylodes lancea on soil microecology and peanut yield in subtropical China. Agroforestry Systems, 87:417–426


     国家农业行业专项课题“红壤丘陵区规模化养猪种养结合关键技术集成与工程示范”课题(2012 -2016, 556万,课题负责人) 

     国家农业行业专项课题 “根菜类蔬菜产地重金属农产品安全阈值研究”课题(2009-2013,175万,课题负责人) 


