姓名: | 王玉军 | 性别: | 男 |
职务: | 室主任、重点实验室副主任 | 职称: | 研究员 |
通讯地址: | 南京市北京东路71号 | ||
邮政编码: | 210008 | 电子邮箱: | yjwang@issas.ac.cn |
王玉军,男,江苏泰兴人,研究员,博士生导师,全国优秀博士论文获得者,国家杰出青年基金获得者,国家重点研发首席科学家,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者,江苏省杰出青年基金获得者,中国土壤学会土壤环境专业委员会主任,江苏省土壤学会常务理事兼副秘书长,江苏省土壤学会土壤污染防控与修复专业委员会主任,中国科学院南京土壤研究所土壤化学与环境保护室主任、院重点实验室副主任。主要从事土壤中污染物微界面过程及其阻控原理、污染物土壤环境容量与阈值、污染评价与修复等研究。主持和参加国家自然科学基金等多项基金项目,成功开发了一套强电场直流电导测量装置,并应用于测量土壤-水体系中的Wien 效应,以测定土壤粘粒与离子间的平均结合自由能和吸附自由能,并初步得到金属离子在我国主要类型土壤上的能量数据库。同时,采用批平衡实验方法与XAS、XRD、FTIR、FTRM、NMR、电镜技术和分子模拟等技术手段相结合,研究了重金属和有机污染物在土壤或矿物/水界面上化学过程的影响机制,并在土壤微界面上污染物的迁移转化过程原理进行深入研究的基础上,发展了土壤有机-无机污染控制的新技术,形成了从基础研究到污染控制技术较为完整的研究体系。目前已在Environ. Sci. Technol.、Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.等优秀杂志上发表论文220余篇,其中140余篇为SCI论文,获得国家发明专利6项,软件著作权1项。现为国际期刊Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 副主编,Geoderma Regional和Biochar编委,国内核心期刊环境污染与防治编委。
环境土壤化学;分子环境化学;土壤表面化学;土壤胶体化学 ;土壤污染与修复
1) Cui PX#, Liu C#, Su XZ#, Yang Q, Ge LQ, Huang MY, Dang F, Wu TL, Wang YJ*, 2022. Atomically dispersed manganese on biochar derived from hyperaccumulator for photocatalysis in organic pollution remediation. Environmental Science & Technology 56(12): 8034-8042.
2) Zeng Y, Fang GD, Fu QL, Peng Fei, Wang XH, Dionysiou DD, Guo JB, Gao J, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2022. Mechanistic study of the effects of agricultural amendments on photochemical processes in paddy water during rice growth. Environmental Science & Technology 56(7): 4221?4230.
3) Wu TL, Cui PX, Liu C, Huang MY, Alves M, Wang ZM, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2022. Oxidative dissolution of Sb2O3 mediated by surface Mn redox cycling in oxic aquatic systems. Water Research 217: 118403.
4) Gu JH, Cui PX, Zeng Z, Sun YF, Sun Q, Wang YJ*, 2022. Isotopic fractionation of Zn during soil sorption as influenced by soil properties and the Zn-O bond distance: insights from EXAFS and MC-ICP-MS. Applied Geochemistry 145: 105427.
5) Fan TT, Sun Q, Cui PX, Wu TL, Xuan L, Wang YJ*, 2022. Sorption mechanism of cadmium on soils: A combination of batch experiment, path analysis, and EXAFS techniques. Geoderma 422: 115950.
6) Wu TL, Cui XD, Ata-Ul-Karim ST, Liu C, Sun Q, Fan TT, Gong H, Dang F, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2022. The impact of alternate wetting and drying and continuous flooding on antimony speciation and uptake in a soil-rice system. Chemosphere 297:134147.
7) Wu P, Cui PX, Zhang Y, Alves M, Liu C, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2022. Unraveling the molecular mechanisms of Cd sorption onto MnOx-loaded biochar produced from the Mn-hyperaccumulator Phytolacca americana. Journal of Hazardous Materials 423: 127157.
8) Zeng Y, Fang GD, Fu QL, Dionysiou DD, Gao J, Wang XL, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2021. Photochemical characterization of paddy water during rice cultivation: formation of reactive intermediates for As(III) oxidation. Water Research 206: 117721.
9) Huang MY, Liu C, Cui PX, Wu TL, FengXH, Huang H, Zhou J, Wang YJ*, 2021. Facet-dependent photoinduced transformation of cadmium sulfide (Cds) nanoparticles. Environmental Science & Technology 55(19): 13132-13141.
10) Cui PX, Yang Q, Liu C, Wang Y, Fang GD, Wu TL, Zhou YY, Ren JX Hou HB, Wang YJ*, 2021. An N, S-anchored single-atom catalyst derived from domestic wastes for environmental remediation. ACS ES&T Engineering 1: 1460?1469.
11) Li Y, Weng LP, Wu LH, Gong H, Zhang YW, Zhang RJ, Shen JY, Yin Y, Alves ME, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2021. Combining multi-surface model and gouy-chapman-stern model for predicting cadmium uptake by cabbage (Brassica Chinensis L.) Journal of Hazardous Materials 416: 126260.
12) Yang Q, Cui PX, Liu C, Fang GD, Huang MY, Wang QY, Zhou YY, Hou HB, Wang YJ*, 2021. In situ stabilization of the adsorbed heavy metals in biochar based on LDH and its reutilization in the activation of peroxymonosulfate. Journal of Hazardous Materials 416: 126215.
13) Wu P, Cui PX, Du H, Alves ME, Wang YJ*, 2021. Long-term dissolution and transformation of ZnO in soils: the roles of soil pH and particle size. Journal of Hazardous Materials 415: 125604.
14) Sun Q, Cui PX, Wu S, Fan TT, Huang MY, Liu C, Alves ME, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2020. Roles of reduced sulfurs on the transformation of Cd(II) immobilized by δ-MnO2. Environmental Science & Technology 54:14955-14963.
15) Fang GD, Zhang T, Cui HB, Liu C, Dionysiou DD, Gao J, Wang YJ*, Zhou DM, 2020. Synergy between iron and selenide on FeSe2 (111) surface driving peroxymonosulfate activation for efficient pollutant degradation. Environmental Science & Technology 54: 15489-15498
16) Wu P, Wang ZY, Wang HL, Bolan N, Wang YJ*, Chen WF*, 2020. Visualizing the emerging trends of biochar research and applications in 2019: a scientometic analysis and review. Biochar 2: 135-150.
17) Wu P, Fu QL, Zhu XD, Liu C, Dang F, Müller K, Manabu Fujii M, Zhou DM, Wang HL, Wang YJ*, 2020. Contrasting Impacts of pH on the Abiotic Transformation of Hydrochar-Derived Dissolved Organic Matter Mediated by δ-MnO2. Geoderma 378: 114627
18) Wang YJ*, Fan TT, Cui PX, Sun Q, Zhou DM, Li CB, Wang GQ, Lin YS, Zhang ST, Yang YP, Zhao FJ, Friedman SP, 2020. Binding and adsorption energy of Cd in soils and its environmental implication for Cd bioavailability. Soil Science Society of America Journal 84: 472-482
19) Li Y, Liu C, Weng LP, Ye XX, Sun B, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2020. Prediction of the Uptake of Cd by rice (Oryza sativa) in Paddy Soils by a Multi-Surface Model. Science of the Total Environment 724, 138289
20) Wu P, Qian TT, Zhang Y, Fan TT, Liu C, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2020. Time-dependent evolution of Zn(II) fractions in soils remediated by wheat straw biochar. Science of the Total Environment 717: 137021.
21) Wu TL, Cui XD, Cui PX, Syed TA, Liu C, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2019. Speciation and location of arsenic and antimony in rice samples around antimony mining area. Environmental Pollution 252: 1439-1447.
22) Sun Q, Cui PX, Zhu MQ, Fan TT, Syed TA, Gu JH, Wu S, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2019. Cd(II) Retention and Remobilization on δ-MnO2 and Mn(III)-Rich δ-MnO2 Affected by Mn(II). Environment International 130: 104932.
23) Wu P, Du H, Cui PX, Alves ME, Liu C, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2019. Dissolution and transformation of ZnO nano- and micro-particles in soil mineral suspensions. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 3(4): 495?502
24) Wu P, TA Syed, Singh BP, Wang HL, Wu TL, Liu C, Fang GD, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, Chen WF*, 2019. A Scientometric review of biochar research in the past twenty years (1998-2018). Biochar 1: 23-43.
25) Wu P, Cui PX, Alves ME, Peijnenburg WJGM, Zhou DM, Liu C, Wang HL, OK YS, Wang YJ*, 2019. Interactive effects of rice straw biochar and γ-Al2O3 on Zn immobilization Journal of Hazardous Materials 373: 250-257
26) Wu TL, Sun Q, Fang GD, Cui PX, Liu C, Alves ME, Qin WX, Zhou DM, Shi ZQ, Wang YJ*, 2019. Unraveling the effects of gallic acid on Sb(III) adsorption and oxidation on goethite. Chemical Engineering Journal 369: 414-421.
27) Sun Q, Liu C, Cui PX, Fan TT, Alves ME, Zhu MQ, Siebecker M, Sparks DL, Li W, Wu TL, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2019. Formation of Cd Precipitates on γ-Al2O3: Implications for Cd Sequestration in the Environment. Environment International 126:234-241
28) Wang YJ*, Fan TT, Cui PX, Alves ME, Li CB, Zhou DM, Friedman SP, Sparks DL, 2019. Exploring the distribution of Zn2+ in inner and outer Helmholtz planes of the electrical double layer of soil based on Wien effect. Soil Science Society of America Journal 83:97-106.
29) Sun Q, Cui PX, Liu C, Peng SM, Alves ME, Zhou DM, Shi ZQ, Wang YJ*, 2019. Antimony oxidation and sorption behavior on birnessites with different properties (d-MnO2 and triclinic birnessite) Environmental Pollution 246: 990-998
30) Wu TL, Qin WX, Alves ME, Fang GD, Sun Q, Cui PX, Liu C, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2019. Mechanisms of Sb(III) oxidation mediated by low molecular weight phenolic acids. Chemical Engineering Journal 356: 190-198.
31) Fang GD, Chen XR, Wu WH, Liu C, Dionysiou D, Fan TT, Wang YJ*, Zhu CY, Zhou DM*, 2018. Mechanism of Persulfate Decomposition in Soil: Activation, Free Radical Formation and Conversion for Contaminant Degradation. Environmental Science & Technology 52 (24): 14352–14361
32) Wu S, Fang GD, Wang DJ, Jaisi D, Cui PX, Wang R, Wang YJ*, Wang L, Sherman D, Zhou DM*, 2018. Fate of As(III) and As(V) during microbial reduction of arsenic-bearing ferrihydrite facilitated by activated carbon, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2 (9): pp 878–887.
33) Fan TT, Cui PX, Sun Q, Zhou DM, Alves ME, Wang YJ*, 2018. Combining path analysis and X-ray absorption spectroscopy to unravel the Zn sorption mechanism on soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 82:772-782.
34) Sun Q, Cui PX, Fan TT, Wu S, Zhu MQ, Alves ME, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2018. Effects of Fe(II) on Cd(II) immobilization by Mn(III)-rich δ-MnO2. Chemical Engineering Journal 353:165-175.
35) Sun Q, Liu C, Alves ME, Fan TT, Zhou DM. Wang YJ*, 2018. The Oxidation and Sorption mechanism of Sb on δ-MnO2. Chemical Engineering Journal 342: 429-437.
36) Wu P, Cui PX, Fang GD, Wang Y, Wang SQ, Zhou DM, Wang YJ*, 2018. Biochar decreased the bioavailability of Zn in soils: insights from macroscopic to microscopic scales Science of the Total Environment 621: 160-167.
8)国家重大研究专项(纳米)子课题,微/纳米材料对POPs重度污染土壤修复的原理及其示范、2013CB934303、2013/01-2018/12、100万元 已结题。